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Wow, I love the Winter Olympics! All of that snow on TV and people whizzing by the camera on skis, luges, snowboards, etc get me thinking about how happy they must be just BEING there. I find myself smiling at their accomplishments in my living room. Total strangers, but I am so happy for them. They train so hard and take their spills off-camera, ok, well some take them on camera as well.  I admire all of their hard work and focus to compete and complete the task at hand.

The Olympic arena is about giving your very best ALL of the time EVERY day. Pour that idea into your life…every day, all of the time. Focus on a goal and reach it, heck, maybe even exceed it. Try it for a week. Write down the results. Success is within reach. It just takes an Olympic commitment to yourself!

*Side note…I am so looking forward to tonight’s coverage of Shaun White on the halfpipe…THAT looks like so much fun!!! I can’t wait to see what crazy tricks he has been cooking up on his private halfpipe up the mountain!! Only he could drop in from his private helicopter!

Michele Palenik & Baxter

Michele Palenik & Baxter
